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I write on the intersection of biology and machine learning and release an article every 1-2 weeks. You should subscribe!

Written articles on this blog are segmented into 4 categories: Primers, Arguments, Startups, and Misc. In order, these mean the following things (with a few of my favorite examples):

  1. Primers: These are intended to be long, extensively researched deep-dives into specific scientific topics. I stick to the facts as much as possible, but also offer my own opinion pretty frequently.

    1. A primer on machine learning in antibody engineering

    2. A primer on why microbiome research is hard

    3. A primer on machine learning in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM)

  2. Arguments: These are intended to have a reasonably strong opinion, with mildly more conviction than my actual opinion. Think of it closer to a persuasive essay than a review on the topic, which my ‘primers’ are more-so meant for. Do Your Own Research applies for all my posts, but especially so with these.

    1. There aren't enough smart people in biology doing something boring

    2. Wet-lab innovations will lead the AI revolution in biology

  3. Startups: These are posts that each will focus on a single startup that I think is interesting, and deeply examine their scientific foundations, product, and risks. These will typically be biotech startups, but I may also include deep-tech startups in general.

    1. Better antibodies by engineering targets, not engineering antibodies (Nabla Bio)

    2. The unreasonable effectiveness of plasmid sequencing as a service (Plasmidsaurus)

  4. Misc: These are just posts that are neither arguments nor primers nor startups. Just stuff I was thinking about and wanted to write something about. Here are two of my favorites.

    1. Why Recursion Pharmaceuticals abandoned cell painting for brightfield imaging

    2. Things I learned talking to the new breed of scientific institution

I also have a podcast and make biology-centric posters, but those are explicitly segmented off.

The entirety of my posts (including podcasts) can be accessed via the ‘Archive’ section.